Big Sandy & His Fly-Rite Boys

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Rockin' Big Sandy

Label: Shout!

Genres: World, Blues, Rock

Styles: World, Blues, Rockabilly

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre
1 Backdoor Dan World World
2 Yama Yama Pretty Mama World World
3 Hey Lowdown! Blues Blues
4 Let Me in There, Baby World World
5 Honky Tonk Queen World World
6 I Can't Believe I'm Saying This to You World World
7 Juiced World World
8 Feelin' Kinda Lucky Rockabilly Rock
9 Hey Señorita World World
10 The New Ball World World
11 Jumping from 6 to 6 World World
12 Let Her Know World World
13 Backdoor Dan (X-Rated Version) World World
14 Pretty Girls Everywhere World World
15 Playgirl World World