Album Details
Label: Midwest CrushGenres: Jazz
Styles: Jazz
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Genres: Jazz
Styles: Jazz
Two Parts is the third album by the Indiana-based group The Tucker Brothers, featuring the instrumental jazz-based music of Nick Tucker (bass) and Joel Tucker (guitar). Released in 2019, the nine track Two Parts album also features Sean Imboden (sax) and Brian Yarde (drums) as well as a host of guest artists. The album starts of quite sublimely with an Erik Satie inspired instrumental featuring the entrancing wordless vocals of Elena Escudero, yet it quickly settles into a solid, all instrumental jazz-fusion mode. The music of The Tucker Brother is described as being rawly emotive, deeply expressive and curious and true to form, the music on Two Parts presents a dynamic counter balance of compositional and improvisational sounds. Produced by The Tucker Brothers and Jake Belser, Two Parts is just the ticket to bring their music to the eyes and ears of jazz music fans worldwide.