Details of
The Way You Are
by Guy Verlinde

Lyrics Writer: Guy Verlinde
Music Writer: Guy Verlinde

Publisher: R&S Music
Licensing: Sabam


In my heart you’re always near me.               

In my thoughts you're never far.

Don’t go changing anything

that comes from within.

I love you the way you are.                            

Every day you know how to move me.            

Every night you’re my guiding star.                            
You’re the only one who’s been

so deep under my skin.

I love you the way you are.                

When your world fell into mine, babe,
I swore I’d never let it fall.
So, let it grow, grow, just let it grow.
My love is unconditional.


I can feel your presence all around me.

I can hear your voice in my guitar.

You’re in every note I ring,

in every word I sing.               

I love you the way you are.

Yes, I love you the way you are.